Daily Prophet Font

Apr 11, 2013 at 04:40. Can someone tell me the font used for the titles, for 'daily prophet' and for 'south, north, central and london'? Identified font. Headline Suggested by SashiX. Suggested fonts. Individual Styles from $24.95. Complete family of 4 fonts: $69.95. P22 Operina was designed by Ludovico Arrighi, James Grieshaber and published by IHOF. P22 Operina contains 4 styles and family package options. More about this family.


The beguiling broadsheet of choice, The Daily Prophet, is the way in which all wizarding news is communicated. Closely linked to the Ministry of Magic, the Prophet’s key aim is to promote the right messages to the rest of the wizard world. This week, it’s up to you how you want to present your work; whether you create a front page article, an listing on the advertisements page, a hands on interview conducted by ‘Rita Skeeter’ or anything in between, the theme is completely in your hands*. I’ve decided to be a bit nicer this week, and given you some help with some handy resources that you might find useful.
Remember to tag your post with #projectpotter, or else it will not be picked up by me! If your post has not reached the tracked tags page within an hour of posting, please send the link to me directly!
Good luck, and most importantly, have fun!
Additional Resources:
• An example of a Daily Prophet cover, by Nathanthenerd
• Mugglenews, a Daily Prophet title font, by Nathanthenerd
• Headline, a Headline font, by HPLHS Prop Fonts
• Jack Input, a typewriter font, by Unknown
* Yes, you can still create non-newspaper submissions, such as a Rita Skeeter gif/edit, or a montage of every Prophet Cover.

POSTED on August 14, 2011 at 22:07 WITH 17 notes

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The Daily Prophet Font

NOTICE OF INTENT: This website was created as canon to the world of magic and serves as a medium for fan-fiction writers and contributors to showcase their works. We are a small group of supporters to J.K. Rowling's continued legacy and only wish to promote an ongoing interest among new and old fans. Bseap ssc hall tickets 2014 download.